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We use cookies on our website to store information in your computer or mobile device to improve our services. Cookies are small text files which let you navigate between pages efficiently, help us understand how this website is performing and generally improve your browsing experience. Cookies can also help to ensure the advertising you see online is more relevant to your interests.

Generally, our cookies may perform the following functions:

  1. Necessary cookies: They are necessary for the navigation of our website allowing basic functions, such as navigation on pages and access to secure areas of the website. Our website cannot function properly without the use of these cookies.

  2. Preference cookies: They allow our website to remember information related to choices you have made during your previous visit and relate to the way it appears and behaves, such as e.g. preferred language.

  3. Statistical cookies: They help us to understand how our website visitors interact, collecting and recording information anonymously.

  4. Marketing Cookies: They are used to identify visitors through our website, with the ultimate goal of showing them ads that interest them and are therefore valuable to advertisers.

Before using all categories of cookies we always ask for your consent, except for the necessary cookies, for which your prior consent is not required.

Unclassified cookies are cookies that are in the process of being classified and are considered necessary.

In case that you wish to activate or deactivate the use of cookies from your browser’s settings, depending on your web browser you can visit its web pages in order to obtain the appropriate information. Please note that, in case you reject or disable the cookies of our website, the functionality of the website may be partially lost. In addition, disabling a cookie or a category of cookies does not delete the cookie from the browser. Such a move should be made by you by changing the internal functions of the browser you are using.

We reserve the right from time to time to modify the Cookie Policy, in whole or in part, at our sole discretion. Any modification hereto will take effect as soon as the modified policy is posted on our website. If you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, as it may be amended, in whole or in part, you must cease using our website.

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